Our Projects
Every year, the Woman's Club of Cayce helps strengthen our community through fundraisers, direct support of other organizations, making Cancer Care Caps and providing a scholarship.
City of Cayce Tree Lighting
For over 45 years, the Woman's Club of Cayce has organized the annual City of Cayce Tree Lighting. Each year, we invite Cayce school choirs and bands to perform, serve hot chocolate and cookies, and then top it all off with a visit from Santa and Mrs. Claus.
Cayce Cares Fundraiser
As part of annual tree lighting, WCC members sell memorial lights to benefit God's Helping Hands and the Scooter Scott Project - two crisis ministries that helps the Cayce - West Columbia community. We also organize a canned food drive to help fill up their pantries for the winter.
Hot Flash 5K
Open to all runner/walkers, the Hot Flash 5K on the Timmerman Trail is the main fundraiser for our many projects.
Cancer Care Caps
Each year, our members make and distribute fleece caps to cancer patients receiving chemo and radiation therapy.

Community Support
We support our Cayce community in a variety of ways including:
We offer an annual $1,000 scholarship to a Cayce high school graduating senior.
We recognize the top Girl and Boy 8th grade students at the Cyril B. Busbee Creative Arts Academy.
Every year, we donate hundreds of used books to the Cayce-West Columbia Friends of the Library for their fundraising efforts.
We support the Cayce Department of Public Safety Shop with a Cop project and the Cayce Public Safety Foundation.